Building a VGOC Robot

VEX provides instructions for building basic robots, called Hero Robots. Starting with a pre-designed robot will give the students building confidence and experience. As the students spend time building and using the Hero Robots, they will be more capable of making improvements and building robots from scratch.

VEX GO Competition Hero Robots

All VEX GO Competition Hero Robots start with the Competition Base. The Base is the part of the robot that holds the main electronics, motors, and drive wheels. Once students complete the Competition Base, have them stop building and drive the robot. This builds confidence and excitement. Then, they can proceed to add more to the robot.

Depending on the challenges posed by the Mission stages, students can adapt the design of their robot by building add-ons that attach to the Competition Base. Use the links beneath each image to find the Build Instructions for the Competition Base and Hero Robot add-ons.

VGOC_Competition_Base.png VGOC_Competition_Base_%2B_Claw.png VGOC_Competition_Advanced.png
Competition Base Competition Base + Claw Competition Advanced

Using Hero Robots with Your Students

There are currently two recommended robots for the Missions. The Competition Base + Claw is a simple Hero Robot that is great for the early Mission stages where students can complete tasks with their robot simply by pushing game pieces around the field. The Competition Advanced is a more complex Hero Robot designed to tackle more difficult challenges posed by the later Mission stages, where the robot must be capable of lifting game pieces and manipulating field elements.

When guiding groups through building, consider the following:

  • Teams can all build the same robot, or choose which to build
  • Teams of one to four students can build a robot
  • Teams can make any change they want to make
  • Teams are welcome to name their robot. A dry erase nameplate is attached at the back of the Competition Base.
  • Adding non-functional decoration to the robot should be encouraged

Hero Robots are meant to be a starting point. Students should be encouraged to modify and improve upon the Hero Robots to create their team's own unique robot designs.